.active seeking.

Though I pour out blessings upon you always, some of My richest blessings have to be actively sought.–Sarah Young, Jesus Calling


I recently read this and I have been mentally wrestling with it for a while now. I know that God wants me to seek after him, but why does he command us to seek after his blessings from him? I know I am not supposed to be a lazy Christian, but how skewed my thinking has been in assuming that I have no participation in the blessings of God on my life. 

In order to fully comprehend this statement, I had to look up the words actively and seek. Actively means to be characterized by energetic work and participation and to be busy. Seek means to go in search or quest of. 

Starting with active, how is God calling us to be involved in energetic work concerning his blessings? To be working means that one is striving to obtain a goal. In this scenario, the goal would be to seek out God’s richest blessings. So it’s time to start our search and quest!

This past week in Bible study we focused on the account of Jacob wrestling with God during the night. After fighting with God all night, Jacob held on to God’s neck, weeping and asking him to bless him, not relenting for one moment until God gave him a blessing. Could it be that Jacob understood long before much history of the world had passed that God’s richest blessing must be sought after?

God had already blessed Jacob with material wealth, safety, family, and the birthright of the patriarchal family. God was blessing Jacob all the time; yet Jacob was not satisfied to come to a place where he met God face to face and leave empty handed. Oh how we must be actively seeking after the blessings of God! Once God knew that Jacob was ready to humbly surrender his life to him, God gave him the ultimate blessing of changing his identity from deceiver to the one whom God fought for. 

I’m not too sure yet what actively seeking after God’s blessings looks like, but I do know that it is possible. In my life it begins with complaining less and thanking God more. It begins with spending more time with God and becoming saturated with his Word. It begins in surrendering to God’s presence in my life on a daily basis. I desire to actively seek after God’s richest blessings, no matter what suffering I must endure to receive them. Hold on to God and do not let go until you receive His blessings. 

And when you do receive the blessing and let go of God, you’ll find that there is no better place to be than holding onto God. Always run back to God. Always be seeking his blessings in your life. When we can see God’s blessings in our lives, we can become blessings to others. Oh what a humbling thing to be used by God to bring glory to His name!