.chacos, chaos, & change.

Today marks the final full day at Camp Carmel. The days have been jam packed with all kinds of activities and fun! But we have also taken our time to rest in the presence of God. 

Presence just happens to be the theme for this week and it is so evident that the Lord’s presence is here with us at camp. It’s also evident that Satan is not happy with the life changes happening this week.

I have encountered students who are dealing with some heavy stuff. Students who are wrestling with thoughts of insecurity and doubt about their significance in this world. Students who are carrying some powerful pain. Students who have gone through a lot more life than I have so far. 

But God made his presence known last night.

I have the wonderful privilege of leading a group of seventh grade girls. Up to this point we had been dealing with distractions and just surface level conversation. Last night we were able to get a bit away from the distractions and just cry before the Lord. I sat down and shut up and let the girls lead the group. They poured their hearts out before one another. They encouraged one another. They prayed for each other. They showed me what it means to be a united family in Christ, carrying one another’s burdens as their own.

When I was in 7th grade, I was way too concerned with what others thought of me. I was way too focused on my friends. These girls are reminding me every moment that our identity is found in Christ alone and that’s enough.

What a great week at camp so far! Our God is good and he is doing great things with the next generation. We need to step up and continue to pour into them. We need to show them that Jesus is good and he can be trusted to walk with us through this journey of life. But we also need them to remind us how to have a child like faith and be present in the moment.

Pray for the rest of this time at camp. Pray that God will continue to move. Pray that the students will be renewed and strengthened in their faith.