.resting in Him.


I am really good at staying busy. I can pack my schedule full of work, activities, commitments, and events that I neglect to find time to rest.

Rest. What does it mean to truly rest?

This morning I woke up two hours before my alarm was scheduled to go off. I have been very low on sleep lately due to the demands on my schedule, so I was really looking forward to getting a full night’s rest. But thank God he had different plans.

A bit on the sleep-deprived-on-the-verge-of-disgruntled side of seeing this good morning wakeup call from the Creator, I turned to Hebrews 3 and began reading about God’s rest. Oh what a beautiful time of reminding my soul that God is the one who supplies us with rest.

When I am striving to find rest, I am still exerting my efforts to bring about rest.

When I rest in God, I am trusting that He has already finished what I could never do and that He is in control of all things.

My God is in control. My God knows that I need rest even before I want to acknowledge it. My God understands that a softened heart is a product of resting in Him. My God desires for me to rest in Him and in Him alone.

Oh what a good God we have!

God formed the world in seven days and rested. If the creator of the universe, who holds all things together, can take one day to rest, who am I to tell God that I can maintain an overwhelmed schedule with no time to come up for air?

On this Sabbath day, how are you going to rest in God?

During this week, how are you going to rest in God?

A soul that rests in God reflects a heart that knows that God is in control.

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